Weapons of war that kill innocent people should be banned in the U.S.

Last Updated 3/1/2023Posted in Facebook Posts

General Russel Honore and chart with title "U.S. leads all nations in firearm death rate"

    General Russel Honore (U.S. Army, retired) says AK-47s, AR15s and the like have no business in the hands of civilians in our country. Congress must ban the possession of such weapons of mass destruction--except for military and law-enforcement personnel.

    General Honore explains his thinking on this subject in a chapter titled "Guns 'n' Stupidity" in his latest book, "Don't Get Stuck on Stupid!" To get a copy, go to www.acadianhouse.com/motivational&inspirational.

    Source: http://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(15)01030-X/fulltext

#usarmy #veterans #usmilitary #dontgetstuckonstupid #generalhonore #russelhonore #gunviolenceawareness #gunviolenceprevention #publicsafety #gunlobby #NRA #gunsafety

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